Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Week 4 -Thing 8

RSS Feeds. Really Simple Syndication.

What does it mean? Quite simply, you get what you want when you want it. Gone are the times when you have to check different websites to see if there's something new.

I have 4 email accounts. Google's Reader allows me to see all.

I also subscribe to the California Mathematics Council Feed. This allows me to see anything to do with Mathematics in California.

Another feed I subscribe to is my own blog. Through the reader I can see if people responded or replied to my blog. This way I don't have to check each page.

There are times I help people out programming stuff and if they ask me a question to which I don't have the answer, I post the question on a specific forum/blog. When someone has an answer or posts a reply there, I get to see it on my reader.

Truly wonderful this RSS. I can see my self getting quite addicted to it.

One word of caution. There's so much information out there, we cannot possibly know everything. So don't subscribe to too many feeds. You don't want to get overwhelmed to the point it becomes meaningless.

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