Saturday, July 19, 2008

Week 9 - Thing 22

Ebooks and Audio Ebooks.

I love books and when I get into a book, somehow I will find the time, often to the exclusion of other tasks that need done, to finish the book as soon as I can.

This has has some side effects. Firstly, like I mentioned nothing gets done; my eyes start hurting from reading too much. Secondly, I tend get irritable with anyone or anything knowingly or unknowingly preventing me from returning to my book. I hate when a book is finished but also glad it is as I can resume "normal" life. This sometimes leads me not starting a new book because I know the Mr. Hyde it can turn me into.

Ebooks have been around for a long time now and I've listened to a few of them but for some reason could not get into them. I've tried them on a plane, in a car, at home at night etc but for me it doesn't come close to my own interpretation of the voices. Additionally, I find the voices a distraction to the sound of the silence which comes with reading a book. I think Ebooks are fantastic for vision impaired people and applaud those who take the time out to read books into a microphone.

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